
Monday, April 22, 2013

Grocery Bootcamp Week 4: Cut Coupons

Wow! I can't believe it's already week 4. How's everyone doing? Does anyone have any questions? If so, feel free to comment on this post, send me an email, or contact me on our facebook page: Parenting & Living Our Way

Here's this week's assignment:

Grab your Sunday paper and coupon mailers and start cutting. Pretty simple, right? Well, almost. Now that you have an inventory and have been shopping for a few weeks, you know what items you buy and what you are missing. Just because there's a coupon, doesn't mean that you need to buy the item. If it's not an item you regularly buy or an item you want to stock in your pantry, don't cut the coupon. I see coupons for fruit snacks, candy, and breakfast bars all the time, but we don't eat those things so I don't clip those coupons. I store my coupons in an index card holder that has 9 divided sections. They're organized into these categories: produce, boxed/canned, dairy, bread, meat, baking, cleaning, hygiene, other. You will have to play around with different organizing items and decide what is best for you.

Here's a tip on getting more coupons: subscribe to just the Sunday paper, but order two copies! I get coupons from my parents and my in laws, so I don't even order the paper :) Don't be shy about asking for coupons, most people through them in the trash or recycling, so they don't mind saving them for you.

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