
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Woolzies Dryer Balls Review and Giveaway

Woolzies Dryer Balls Review & Giveaway

I was sent a box of 6 extra-large Woolzies Dryer Balls to review. At the end of this review, there is a giveaway for a box of their dryer balls.

I have been using dryer balls for about a year now. I started using dryer balls while I was pregnant after making the decision to cloth diaper our daughter. I learned from my cloth diaper research that I was going to need to stop using fabric softener and dryer sheets because they are not good for cloth diapers. Since we ran out of dryer sheets, I decided instead of buying more, I would buy dryer balls. I bought 6 large dryer balls from a work at home mom (WAHM) on Etsy. I was impressed with the size and expected them to work well. I was looking for my clothes to be static free and for a reduction in dryer time. Well, I was disappointed. I didn’t notice a reduction in drying time at all, but my clothes were static free so I kept using them.

When I signed up to review the Woolzies Dryer Balls, I honestly wasn’t expecting much from them. I opened the box and was pleasantly surprised; they are so much more dense than the WAHM dryer balls I had been using. “Hmm, maybe that will help decrease drying time” I thought to myself as I threw them in the dryer for the first time.

I wash six loads of laundry a week: my clothes and my daughter’s clothes, my husband’s work pants, my husband’s other clothes, sheets and towels, and two loads of diapers. Because I’m a busy WAHM I know my washer and dryer routines and times like the back of my hand so I was able to compare drying time easily.  I have broken diapers into two categories (covers/shells/All in Ones (AIOs) and inserts/flats/prefolds) because before using Woolzies, I would dry everything for 15 minutes on hot and then pull the covers, shells and all in ones (AIOs) out to finish drying on the line and let the inserts, flats and prefolds finish drying on low.

Type of Laundry
Drying Time without Dryer Balls
Drying Time with Woolzies Dryer Balls
Time Saved
My clothes & my daughter’s clothes
40 minutes
25 minutes
15 minutes
My husband’s work pants
45 minutes with patches of dampness requiring overnight on the line
40 minutes
5 minutes
My husband’s other clothes
35 minutes
25 minutes
10 minutes
Sheets and towels
45 minutes
30 minutes
15 minutes

15 minutes  in dryer
1 hour on the line for covers/shells
2.5 hours on the line for AIOs
15 minutes in the dryer for covers/shells
1 hour on the line for AIOs
All the time on the line for covers and shells and an hour and a half on the line for AIOs
45 minutes (15 minutes hot and 30 minutes on low)
30 minutes (15 minutes hot and 15 minutes on low)
15 minutes

My husband’s work pants are double layer work pants for working in the warehouse and are lined with flannel to keep warm, so I wasn’t expecting much reduction for these and I am impressed with the 5 minutes since without the dryer balls I would pull them out at 45 minutes and still have patches of dampness so they had to be hung on the line overnight.

I was impressed with the results of our cloth diapers. I love that I can dry everything on hot for 15 minutes and pull the covers and shells out completely drying. My All in Ones used to take what seemed like forever to dry on the line (it was really only 2.5 hours), and now they are done on the line in an hour. The fact that everything else only takes 30 minutes in the dryer is amazing and very helpful when I’m trying to get diaper laundry done and ready for the next day.

All our clothes are static and wrinkle free when I remove them from the dryer and I don’t hear the dryer balls bouncing around in the dryer is which a nice plus, since it can get annoying after awhile.

Overall, I am beyond impressed with the Woolzies Dryer Balls and I will definitely continue using them in the future. You can find Woolzies Dryer Balls at
As part of the review, Woolzies has agreed to do a giveaway of one box of six dryer balls for the readers of the blog. Thank you Woolzies! The giveaway will go live at 12:00am May 17th and ends at 12:00am on May 24th. All times are east coast time. Good luck and have fun readers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I don't use anything except the anti-wrinkle setting on my dryer. I've been wanting to try wool dryer balls, but have so many other things I need at the moment that I haven't bought any yet.

  2. Since my son was born, we just stopped using softener in general as he has very sensitive skin. I've thought about dryer balls but haven't taken the plunge yet.

  3. I use the Bounce Sheets right now. My daughter has the balls abd really likes them so do I when I am at her house. Would live to win s set of these!

  4. I use dryer balls now and love them... I would love another set!

  5. I use and love wool dryer balls! I didn't like the plastic ones.

  6. I just bought two sets of these to try out and I am pleasantly surprised at how soft our clothes come out of the dry. I still get a little static when items have gone through the dryer for longer than needed but that doesn't bother me. I love that I don't ever have to buy dryer sheets again!

  7. I use clean sypria dryer balls but would love to try these!

  8. I have two dryer balls i got in a mystery fluff package from KBTM. and two homemade dryer balls that I made myself, but i don't think I have enough to make a difference. :(

  9. I have a small set of dryer balls that I use only with diapers (our washer doesn't always rinse the detergent out of clothes very well and I don't want to risk anything transferring to the balls and then to the diapers), for mine and my kids' clothes I don't use anything, and my husband sometimes uses dryer sheets. I hate dryer sheets. Clothes feel funny to me after they've been dried with dryer sheets, but wool dryer balls are awesome!

  10. I have WAHM dryer balls that don't seem as effective as the one I won from KBTM.
