
About Me

I grew up a little bit of everywhere while my dad was in the Air Force. When we he retired, we settled in Northern California and I consider that my home. I went to college for 2 years in Missouri and hated it most of the time, but would do it again because the experience was amazing and the friendships have lasted for what feels like a life time. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, which qualifies me to live in a cardboard box with everyone else who majored in something because they thought they could change the world. After working in banking for a few years, I went back to school to get my Master's Degree in Speech Pathology. All along just hoping I would meet the right person to settle down and get married so I could start the family I knew in my heart I wanted more than anything in the world.

Well, I finally met him February, 2011. Of course it was just my luck that he lived in Northern California and I was living in Los Angeles. As soon as I could, I packed up my belongings and headed home. I found out I was pregnant in November and we got engaged in December. Our beautiful baby girl was born in July, 2012. More on Emma's birth story to come.

We were married in November, 2012 and my little family is complete, at least for now. I'm sure some day we will decide we are ready for another little one.

My husband works hard so I can be a stay at home mom. I do my part by saving us as much money as I can on groceries and household items. I love to cook and come up with creative recipes to keep meals from being boring. I part-time cloth diaper our daughter, but I have every intention of eliminating our use of disposable diapers completely. I love to read, but hardly have time anymore, but plan on making it a priority again. I guess I'm an attachment parent, but I don't really follow labels, I just do what comes naturally to me.

I love crafts. I'm learning to sew. I love to write. I love taking pictures of my family's daily life. Now if only I could get my hands on a nicer camera, but for now I'm making due with what I have.

I recently became a Creative Partner with Initials, Inc. I love handbags and accessories to the point that it could be considered an obsession, so this is the perfect way for me to socialize with people I'm not related to, have fun, and make a little fun money for my family. My Initials Inc. Website